Because I'm Worth It!

And one day we stopped making excuses; we set a date, chose our hideout and went to celebrate. My life appointed sister and I decided, for a day, to make ourselves a priority and to give the loving care, which we usually dedicate to the rest of the family, to us.

The Standard in Miami was the headquarters chosen for the mission. To mitigate the blow of the credit card we opted to go on a weekday (that's what the personal days are for!); and as a one day pass costs the same as having a cupping treatment and enjoying the amenities, I ventured to discover the millennial technique popularized by Michael Phelps.

Marked and liberated!

Marked and liberated!

And there I was, lying face down on the stretcher having my back sucked out of tensions, stress, anxieties and anything funky that was inhabiting me. The treatment was accompanied by the captivating sounds of a waterfall and a stream, making you feel miles away from our concrete jungle. It was a delightful experience!

About 30 minutes later, I left in cloud nine to meet my friend in the Turkish hammam and complete the circuit: steam bath, sauna, and showers with all kinds of jets; very namaste until we got thirsty and decided to continue relaxing at the bar. Also very holistic of our part. The frozé, a slush of the rosé wine, was the infusion of choice to celebrate us. Bravo! Bravo!

We spoke of good and evil, our past, present, and future dreams, we also laughed and kept quiet but just for a little while because chatting is our thing.

We decided to pamper ourselves this way because we’re #TeamL’Oreal “Because I'm worth it," but taking time out, sitting on a sofa like eternal teenagers laughing and talking has the same rejuvenating effect.

Girls just wanna have fun!

Girls just wanna have fun!

Life is a short ride. Make the most of your days, your friendships, your city, and your credit card; it’s better to live it than to hear about it.

Go ahead, stop procrastinating and start taking care of yourself.

Side dish: "Give Me One Reason" by Tom & Collins.