Once upon a time, there was something special

I remember my dear mother kept for twenty-something years a dinnerware set she brought in Japan.  Since 1970 it waited in its box for a "special moment" to be used. Beautiful, delicate and kept in a box hidden from the world; that's how I remember it.

Fast forward to the nineties a day when my curiosity was unbearable, I had to know what or when was that "special moment" expected. The Queen's visit, perhaps?

I remember telling her every day was special. And a homemade meal was special too.  And it was. After decades in hiding, the dinnerware set began to be part of our dinners, and it's still alive, kicking and feeding people. Amen!

My mom wanted to share her always special dinnerware set. Photo by Masota.

My mom wanted to share her always special dinnerware set. Photo by Masota.

We do this with so many things. We buy or keep things for a "special moment" and then hide them from the world waiting for its momentum.

I encourage you to live a little, love and celebrate yourself even while going to the supermarket.  Take out the dress, wear the shoes, show off your jewelry; It's not doing anybody a favor hiding in a drawer.

What is more special than celebrating that we are alive?

Side dish: "Wish I Knew You" by The Revivalists.