Why Did You Stop?

It’s more than just the question of when but why did we stop doing certain things?

Wearing a bikini; it’s not possible after certain age or body type.
Wearing a miniskirt; supposedly not after certain age or body type. Long hair; it's a girls' thing, and not to flaunt after a certain age.
Short hair; it’s a boys’ thing, and not to flaunt before a certain age.
Tight clothes; you don’t have a certain weight or body type.
Short clothes; you don’t have a certain age or weight.
Or, tattoos, piercing, pigtails or the birthday party you don't celebrate anymore as you do for your kids.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

I get pissed off by these pseudo unwritten rules, which we use daily to judge other people. I’ve learned that you can’t make everyone happy, so I take care of me first and then some more.


If your opinion, advice or the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval wasn't asked, don't say a word.

I'm not going to care, and as María Antonieta Collins taught me, "because I want to, because I can and because I feel like it" I will continue dancing to my rhythm.

What about you? What’s your tune?

Side dish: "A quien le importa" of Fangoria.