Coach Mentor Sensei

I am here because of a life coach, so this first post is for him.

I’m not much about coincidences but more about reason or motive and by the way, he came into my life I didn’t want to miss the opportunity of exploring the moment and the relationship.

My coach didn’t waltz in to sell me magical solutions. He listened, ask the right questions, and I told and gave him everything that was bottled up -in my heart and my mind- and for the longest time didn’t know how to channel. He gave me homework, tools and double dared me to pursue my goals, turn my dreams into action and “go for it.” He gave me discipline and brought back a feeling of excitement.


When we met, I didn’t know if he wanted to tag along for the journey so after our long first date I felt like a teenager in love and asked him for a “yes” (or “no”) on our new relationship. I was lucky that even before I asked, he had decided to guide me in this new adventure.

Even if they say “the best things in life are free”, his guidance came with a price, and just like with any big purchase, and after weighing the pros and cons, I knew this was going-to-be well spend money, or better yet an incredible investment. I hadn’t felt so happy forking out some dollars, and feeling butterflies in my stomach in a very long time. His words, MY WORDS, boosted my morale, my mind, and my body so that I could get out of my comfort zone, and stop going in circles like a hamster in his wheel. I now had a plan. I had a goal set out, and was committed to fulfilling it.

This website/blog which I’ve dreamt of for a long time and did not dare to start, today becomes a reality, “It’s Alive!.” Because God’s timing is perfect, because it was now, months before my 40th bday, and when everyone is saying “40 is the new 20”. Now, when I kinda know who I am, where I come from and where I am going, I feel ready to share this adventure with you and, if you’re interested, my life coach’s contact information. By the way, did I tell you is also an astrologer? Things can keep getting better!

Side dish: “Atrévete” by Calle 13